Good day! How may I serve you?
The most recent release is dedicated to the underworld goddess Ereškigal. May she serve all those brave demons slayers who are trapped here. If you were worth it…
I updated this app to support her and her beautiful and wonderful work. I as a browser wish her only the bestest and hope to serve her very soon! Anybody who knows her and her kind spirit will confirm that she’s the sunshine in person! One love!
As always, see what is new in this version:
Version 0.1.76 – first update in 2015, yay!
NEW compatible with Android 5.0.1
FIX startpage no longer Tumblr
COMING SOON – Favicon Support, place holder already installed
Direct APK:
Have fun! Please report any bugs back to me, I will fix as soon as possible!
Happy 2015 and enjoy spring! <3 Yours, YAABy P.S.: The direct APK available here is with Flattr included. Google stopped accepting alternative payment methods. Please send Emails about this issue directly to them, not my/our fault. KTHXBYE.